Thursday, September 01, 2005

Parallel World Adventure

Due to some nice feedbacks from players, I will bring back the continuation of my campaign this 9th September. To help me in preparing for my first day back as DM, I would like some help from players that will be joining me on that night:

1) Please think through on what character you REALLY want to play but was never given the
chance. [How wild you can get is how wild I can become.]
2) After thinking what you want to play, please consult me as soon as possible before the actual
game-day. Those who fail to do so can still join the game but will only have their character
suffer a severe level and game-play progress growth.
3) Those who have thought their character but are unable to finalize his/her skills and etc.,
please consult me as soon as possible too.

Rules of the game:

1) Please be warned that whatever your character does in my campaign will affect the future
flow of the campaign. Please becareful in choosing what path of action that you might want
to make.
2) NPCs and surroundings are never as what they seem to be.
3) Please play as a team as casualty rate is a 90% in my campaign.
4) Dont get angry and quit halfway.
5) Dont waste my time with useless questions that can be ignored.
6) Do NOT ask me "What can my character do?". Should any players ask me this, I shall invoke
rule "Refer to "What can my character do?" guide for the dummy".
7) Dont refer too much to the AD&D players, items and monster guide.
8) Have fun.


DWolve said...

Hehehehehe.. Bring it on dude!!!

hreaper said...

Welcome to the club. :D

Vincent said...

Lock and load boys...... we're going down and dirty.....

EwA said...
